Stay awake with Detective Genius as he discovers the real mystery behind...
"Pleasure is different than happiness." ~ Dorian Gray
Sometime early on, Aida and many of the Zaldivars thought that if they could secure a reliable PcP supply, they could turn the FBI's narcotics investigation into Crime Family Wars, not have to worry about any physical pain and play it tough. However, after two years of never really getting what they wanted, this same family determined for themselves that they simply did not care about the consequences of their behavior, and that the sole purpose of their existence was to play this game.
The youngest ones, Isa, Adri and their Uncle Danny, decided that they wanted to be "just like the real ones." The real drug cartel crime families that took over Columbia and Mexico in the 80s and 90s. My cousin Lily gave Danny a list one morning at Denny's so they could do just that. It turned out that unbeknownst to most of us, Lily's instructional list ended up being her own version for the Fabulous by Fifty Mayberry Drug Cartel where they gave everything away in drugstore-type white paper bags, instead of the small, glass tubes people usually shoved where they didn't belong.
I nicknamed Alma Ms. Selena Killer when they first showed up in the house next door. Little did I know at the time that her partner in crime, Mr. Uranium would thwart every effort anyone made every second of every day. After losing half her back in the Blue Sapphire Pool, and giving up on all their children while homeless in Colorado, Alma eventually mustered up the attitude to ask their undercover DEA agent for some PcP with "a little bit more movie" in it. She even smushed her thumb and index finger together so the agent would know for sure what she meant.
2023 © Copyright Nikita T. Piper. All rights reserved.